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Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
Thompson's Water Seal is a popular product that has been used for many years and has been praised for its ability to protect surfaces from water and other pollutants. However, some users have experienced issues with the product, such as sticky residue and difficulty with application. Additionally, some users have reported that the product is not as effective as it appears in the product description. Despite these issues, many users have found the product to be easy to use and effective.


  • Easy to apply
  • Adds sheen and protection
  • Works well on various surfaces
  • Dries quickly


  • Inconsistent formula
  • Sticky residue
  • Requires additional product for some surfaces
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Thompson's WaterSeal clear multi-surface waterproofer is a proven waterproofing solution for wood, concrete and brick. Protect your surfaces from the elements with this versatile product.

Cechy produktu

Package Quantity1
Size1 Qt
Item Package Quantity1